I am a full stack developer, specialising in back end development

Based in King's Lynn, Norfolk. I currently work as a Dev Ops Engineer at Marmalade Insurance.

Web Development

Programmer; python, php, javascript, typescript, C#. Frameworks; django, symfony, laravel, jquery, angular, bootstrap, foundation, cakephp. Data; postgresql, mysql, sqllite...mostly SQL. Networking; subnets, loadbalancing, vpcs, cdn, vlans and more. APIs; RESTful, 3rd party and 1st party.

What else

Devops; AWS, Docker, Ansible, Linux/Mac/Windows. Server; nginx, apache, iis. Scripting; bash, ruby, go. Security; tls/ssl, secret management, encrpytion, vulnerability detection. Learning; Kubernetes, Unity, Sound and Game design, Clustering.